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What Most People Think with Geoff Norcott

Jan 26, 2022

After a catch-up on the latest big news, I speak to my old writing partner Chris Martin. Chris has been making waves in the States as a stand-up and with his wife and writing partner. I talk about life over there, American sensitivities, US politics and Chris's excellent podcast about Dads.

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Jan 19, 2022

This one is hot off the press straight after a ridiculously eventful PMQ's. Including actual jokes from Starmer, defections & a body blow from David Davis. I also talk about the BBC license fee and respond to two cracking letters. 

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Jan 13, 2022

After a catch-up on the latest round of Tory turmoil, I speak to the brilliant, funny and wise Tony Law.

This is a far-ranging chat, from the surreal to the insightful, taking in cancel culture, offence and why Tony loves Britain. I hope you laugh as much as I did. 

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Jan 5, 2022

After a New Year & Xmas catch-up, I examine the logic of re-introducing masks in secondary schools (there is none). Then I speak my mate and blokey fitness guru Matt Marney about how to be a better bloke in 2022. Some proper good advice, plus us talking bollocks too. 

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