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What Most People Think with Geoff Norcott

May 27, 2021

This week focuses heavily on classic Dom's testimony at the select committee. Was he telling the truth? Should Hancock go? Does anyone need to show that much chest hair? 

I also look at the Friends Reunion show and the crucial issue of context when appreciating a joke. 

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May 19, 2021

As you'd expect, the chat with Matt is both funny and politically insightful, but what he also delivers is one of the most convincing analysis of what's going on with Sturgeon and the SNP. 

Matt also gives his view on the Labour malaise which is hard to argue with, and we also discuss how scary Green Party activists...

May 11, 2021

My book is out on May 13th. My friend and patriarch Katherine Ryan kindly agreed to talk to me about 'Where Did I Go Right? (How The Left Lost Me)'. 

We talk about everything from party politics, why Matt Hancock is like a bad step-dad & dodgy cowboy competitions. 


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May 7, 2021

This episode is why the podcast exists. Something obvious happened politically and some people need it explain. Labour look to have done badly at the polls (again) and I examine any of the 5000 reasons that might be. 

We also discuss why Keir Starmer should stay away from boxing gloves and wallpaper.

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