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What Most People Think with Geoff Norcott

Oct 27, 2021

I laughed a lot recording this week's podcast with the brilliant Ian Stone. We spoke about the budget and the Tories becoming like some kind of Blair/Brown hybrid. We spoke about poo and the sea and finally - reluctantly - I talk about about climate change. 

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Oct 19, 2021

This week I have author, libertarian and public health expert Christopher Snowdon back on the show to talk about all things Covid. But in a funny informative way. 

We talk about plenty more besides, including a bizarre plug for taking up smoking. 

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Oct 13, 2021

So the first big report on Covid is out and we have a delve into the less than surprising findings. Then we talk about Boris's holiday and why it's both ok and annoying. Keir Starmer's HGV debacle gets a few minutes as does the ongoing gender neutral crusade in retailers.

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Oct 5, 2021