Feb 22, 2023
After a quick catch-up on Roald Dahl and drunken escapades in Helsinki, I catch to the very talented lads from Boy's Gone Wild.
They're the youngest guests i've ever had on the show, but will surprise you with where their comedy is coming from. Fantastic inter-generational chat. You'll learn something. I did.
Feb 17, 2023
Despite hopping on & off enough planes to make Greta wince, I had to squeeze out an episode this week - not least to discuss wee Nicola's resignation.
We also chat about magic Grandpa Corbyn and why Starmer is becoming the political version of Shaggy.
After a quick debate on the merits of '30p' Lee Andersen I finish...
Feb 8, 2023
After a quick catch-up on a mad week I speak to Simon Brodkin about his amazing career. From pranking Donald Trump and Kanye to starting out all over again as a straight stand-up, Simon has some unique tales to tell about the comedy industry.
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Feb 1, 2023
After a quick rant about Sturgeon and Alastair Campbell I have a lovely chat with Phil Wang.
He says some of the wises things i've ever heard about comedy and also reveals himself to be highly unpredictable as to where he fits into the politics of the comedy world. Also makes a bold prediction about christianity being...