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What Most People Think with Geoff Norcott

Oct 18, 2023

This is a great chat with Tom Walker (aka Jonathan Pie).

Ranging from rising anti-semetism in the UK to the Aussie No vote & why Richard Curtis needs to wind his neck in, actually.

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Come to my 2023/24 TOUR  

Oct 12, 2023

Another WMPT BREAKING NEWS! This time looking back on the Labour conference. The worst stage invasion ever and Keir's belief that repeating the fact people want nice things counts as policy. 

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Come to my 2023/24 TOUR 

Oct 10, 2023

The brilliant Simon Evans joins me as we ponder the early knockings of Labour Party conference. We also look at the situation in Israel and ponder what's a 'normal' reaction to awful things? 

We end by sharing valuable tips on how not to become fully erect in a massage context. 

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Oct 5, 2023

Welcome the first ever WMPT BREAKING NEWS.

I'll look to do a couple of these a month to cover big breaking stories. Think somehwere between a politics digest show and something funny. 

In this first episode i'll be breaking down Rishi's big speech. 

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Oct 3, 2023

After a turbulent week personally, it's on to a turbulent week for the Tories. The brilliant Andrew Doyle joins me to consider Suella's big move on migration and Rishi's tricky rebrand. Though i suspect the thing that'll stick with you is the idea of being 'force teamed'.

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